Quartz.NET - News archive

News archive

Quartz.NET 2.0 beta 2 Released

December 31, 2011 by Marko Lahma

Quartz 2.0 beta 2 is out just for the new year! This release contains some important bug fixes and is a recommended update for everyone using earlier 2.0 beta 1.

Please see the change log for complete list of changes.

As the code begins to be quite mature, beta 2 is now also available as NuGet pre-release package. You can install it with command:

Install-Package Quartz -Pre

This version roughly corresponds to Java Quartz's version 2.1.

There's a first version of migration guide but the tutorial hasn't been updated yet. You can also always check Java Quartz's documentation .

Grab it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET 2.0 beta API documentation available

December 28, 2011 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 2.0 beta API documentation is now available. The old 1.x documentation is still there too though we had to change the directory layout a bit.

Special thanks to the kind folks at Innovasys for providing a free licenses for their awesome products, Document! X and HelpStudio !

Quartz.NET 2.0 beta 1 Released

October 2, 2011 by Marko Lahma

After a long wait there's now a beta 1 release available of Quartz.NET 2.0! This is the first beta version of Quartz.NET 2.0 and corresponds to Java Quartz version 2.1.

This version is a major overhaul of of Quartz(.NET) 1.x codebase. Now code is more unit testing friendly (more interfaces) and API is based on generics and .NET 3.5 SP1 features like DateTimeOffset.


  • .NET 1.1 and 2.0 support is dropped
  • Quartz.NET now needs .NET version 3.5 SP1 or later to run due to use of new language features and classes
  • Many public interface methods have changed from returning arrays to generic IList or ISet interfaces
  • TriggerBuilder implementations and JobBuilder should now be used to create different job and trigger definitions
  • Introduced IJobDetail, IContrigger, ISimpleTrigger, ICalendarIntervalTrigger have far less members and especially mutators
  • When C5 collections were introduced as set-based implementation provider, ISet and ISortedSet interfaces were narrowed (IList inheritance removed)
  • string triggerName, string triggerGroup are now encapsulated in TriggerKey (has the same fields)
  • string jobName, string jobGroup are now encapsulated in JobKey (has the same fields)
  • JobInitializationPlugin is now deprecated in favor of XMLSchedulingDataProcessorPlugin, JobInitializationPlugin no longer included
  • Microsoft's Oracle drivers are no longer supported, use 10g or 11g ODP.NET drivers
  • Database schema has changed, you need to convert your 1.x schema to new version, sample migration script available in database folder


  • XMLSchedulingDataProcessorPlugin uses new XML format that allows more control over triggers but no support for calendars
  • There are extension methods for the new trigger builder that allow you to set trigger specifics
  • Client Profile is now supported and there are now separate DLLs for client profile
  • PropertySettingJobFactory is now the default JobFactory

This version roughly corresponds to Java Quartz's version 2.1.

There's a first version of migration guide but the tutorial hasn't been updated yet. You can also always check Java Quartz's documentation .

Grab it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET 2.0 (vNext) Development Ongoing

July 27, 2011 by Marko Lahma

There's been a while since last project news update on the website which seems to have caused some worry on Twitterspehere at least. The discussion has been active on the project mailing list though. But here's a small recap about what has happened since last official release (1.0.3).

Source code was moved to GitHub 12/30/2010 . It was quite obvious decision to make collaboration and contribution a little bit easier than what it has been earlier with Subversion. There has already been a nice set of pull requests, thanks to contributors!

Java Quartz's (when writing in version 2.0.2) development has been ported to .NET side. All the new features and enhancements are available on GitHub for testing with some .NET special treats, to name a few:

  • Supports now .NET 3.5 SP1 and higher - support for 1.1 and 2.0 was dropped
  • Complete API overhaul, now generic IList interfaces instead of old array based return values, other API improvements
  • Unit testing friendly interfaces like IJobDetail, ITrigger etc, with Fluent Interface based configuration of jobs and triggers
  • Performance improvements, especially for RAMJobStore by utilizing C5 collections
  • New XML job definition format
There's still things to do, mainly documentation and API cleanup. The code should be safe to use in pre-production, even though some already run it in production.

When will the next version be release? . Short answer: when it's ready. All contributions are important to speed up the work. First beta is waiting for good enough migration guide so that's slowing things a bit at the moment.

In short, Quartz.NET is alive, kicking and progressing! Pull the code from GitHub and give it a try! As usual, the Quartz.Examples project contains code which was ported from 1.x series to compile and take andvantage of the new API.

Quartz.NET 1.0.3 Released

August 22, 2010 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 1.0.3 has been released.

This is a maintenance release with bug fixes for the 1.0 version of Quartz.NET and is an adviced update for all users. This release supports .NET 1.1., 2.0 and 3.5 SP1, there is still no official support for .NET 4.0 but you should have no problems running Quartz.NET with .NET 4.0 using the binaries compiled for framework 3.5.

The Quartz.NET 1.0 maintenance branch will not receive any new features, only bug fixes. Further development efforts will go to Quartz.NET vNext that will have support only for .NET Framework 3.5 and later.

This version roughly corresponds to Java Quartz's version 1.6.6.

Please refer to the release notes and the readme.txt in the release bundle for more information.

Grab it from downloads page .

Performance advisory for high load database installations

August 22, 2010 by Marko Lahma

People running installations with large amount of triggers (thousands) should consider changing their db schema to use nvarchar columns instead of the varchar that is the default for Quartz.NET 1.0 db creation scripts. Quartz.NET sends parameters as nvarchar and when used against varchar indexes this will most likely cause index scan instead of better performing index seek.

In the future Quartz.NET will come with SQL scripts that will create nvarchar columns instead of varchar columns.

Quartz.NET 1.0.2 Released

December 12, 2009 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 1.0.2 has been released.

This is a maintenance release for the 1.0 development branch of Quartz.NET an probably also the last release supporting .NET Framework 1.1. Further development efforts will go to Quartz.NET 1.2 that no longer supports 1.1 Framework.

This version corresponds to Java Quartz's version 1.6.6.

Please refer to the release notes and the readme.txt in the release bundle for more information.

Grab it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET 1.0.1 Released

May 16, 2009 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 1.0.1 has been released and it's an advised update for everyone.

This release includes bug fixes to issues found in 1.0 release and also includes performance optimization to AdoJobStore when Quartz.NET is handling a lot of triggers. Quarz.NET no longer loads all of them but is able limit the query results by using a custom SQL delegate. Quartz.NET issues a warning on startup if custom delegate is not used. Available delegates include ones for SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Firebird.

Please refer to the release notes and the readme.txt in the release bundle for more information.

Grab it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET 1.0 Final Released

November 6, 2008 by Marko Lahma

I'm happy to announce that Quartz.NET 1.0 Final has been released. This release marks a big milestone for Quartz.NET development. After more than two years of development, bug fixing and new features Quartz.NET has finally matured to version 1.0. This version corresponds to Java Quartz version 1.6.2.

I would like to thank everyone involved with Quartz.NET, whether you have been just a happy user, bug reporter or a patch supplier, your help has been more than appreciated and helped along the way. Special thanks to James House and his team for their continuous effort to make Quartz better.

Please refer to the release notes and the readme.txt in the release bundle for more information.

Grab it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET 1.0 RC 3 Released

September 6, 2008 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 1.0 RC 3 has been released. This release is the third release candidate for final 1.0 release.

This release is a bug fix release and also adds the Quartz.NET server source to standard distribution. Everyone using earlier release candidate is adviced to upgrade.

Please refer to the release notes and the readme.txt in the release bundle for more information.

Grab it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET 1.0 RC 2 Released

August 6, 2008 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 1.0 RC 2 has been released. This release is the second release candidate for final 1.0 release.

This release contains late minute breaking change. All time interval and duration related data that was presented with longs or ints before is now presented with TimeSpans which is a more natural way for .NET. This change will cause compile time errors that should be quite easy to fix using TimeSpan.FromXXX methods. Where you earlier had 5000 milliseconds you can now use a more convenient form of TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5).

Please refer to the release notes and the readme.txt in the release bundle for more information.

Grab it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET 1.0 RC 1 Released

July 28, 2008 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 1.0 RC 1 has been released. This release is the first release candidate for final 1.0 release. In this release you can find some minor bug fixes, small improvements and the new Quartz.NET simple server for running jobs. Please refer to the release notes and the readme.txt in the release bundle for more information.

Grab it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET 0.9.1 Released

January 20, 2008 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 0.9.1 has been released. This a bug fix version which fixes problems and inconveniences found in earlier 0.9 release. Please refer to the release notes for more information.

Grab it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET 0.9 Released

December 1, 2007 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 0.9 has been released. This is the earlier 0.7 version renamed to indicate maturity and feature completeness.

This is again a feature release also containing some minor bug fixes. The biggest new features are support for XML based configuration for setting up the scheduler and remoting exporting support for the scheduler. XML configuration should make it now easier to define your scheduling out-of-code regardless of the used job store. Remoting functionality allows you to control scheduler over application domain boundaries.

The Quartz.NET DLL is now also finally signed assembly and you can add it to the GAC.

This release has also major breaking change: all times are now expected to be in UTC time zone for Quartz.NET to work correctly.

Please check migration guide before upgrading.

Please refer to examples to see XML configuration and remoting in action. The documentation is still work in progress.

UPDATE: XML configuration example's XML file isn't valid according to its schema. The "allows-transient-data" attribute hsa been removed from the Quartz.NET XML schema and can be safely removed from the XML file aswell.

Grab it from downloads page .

Project News

August 8, 2007 by Marko Lahma

Now that version 0.6 was released with quite impressive feature set it's a good time to sit back and elaborate a bit what's been up with the project.

Project has received free license for Clover.NET from kind folks at Cenqua (actually now Atlassian - the're cool people too!), and did we receive it right on time - product will be discontinued and I believe no further licenses will be given. Cenqua also has opened a FishEye view of the source code .

The folks at Innovasys also support open source and they gave us a free license for their excellent source code documentation management software Document! X

So what's going to happen next? We've caught up with Java version 1.6 already quite nicely but there are still a couple of big things to do:

  • XML based configuration support - ability to define jobs and triggers in XML configuration file
  • Spring.NET support - actually I've already got running code that seems to work but there are still some issues to solve

After XML configuration is working and released (planned for 0.7) it's getting close to 1.0 time. Even though Quartz.NET is quite production ready as-is, it'll be considered 1.0 when it's also feature ready.

Please remember, It's your feedback that drives this project! So don't hesitate to bring up the the good and the bad in Quartz.NET. We gladly accept bug reports (better yet with test code to illustrate and maybe even a patch to fix it!) to our JIRA issue tracker and welcome questions and help requests to Quartz.NET mailing list . It would also be great to hear about projects/products using Quartz.NET!

Quartz.NET 0.6 Released

August 4, 2007 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 0.6 has been released.

This both feature and bug fix release. The new biggest feature is AdoJobStore that currently supports SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite. With AdoJobStore comes also clustering. Please give it a go (Example 13 has an example for SQL Server) and give us feedback!

This release also fixes many problems found by users, most notably CronExpression problems when having a more frequent firing schedule, like every nth second or minute.

Now minimal configuration is also automatically loaded from Quartz.NET embedded resource, so if you don't want to change the default configuration, you don't need to type anything anymore. See release notes for more details.

You should be also aware of some breaking changes , please check changelog.txt in the distribution root.

Grab it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET 0.5 Released

June 17, 2007 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 0.5 has been released.

Version 0.5 is a feature and a bug fix release. Release adds functionality from Java Quartz 1.6 (excluding XML and database job stores). All users are advised to upgrade because this release fixes problems found in cron scheduling and other minor problems.

Grap it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET 0.4.1 Released

March 24, 2007 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 0.4.1 has been released.

Version 0.4.1 is a bug fix release that addresses problems found in CronTrigger.

Grap it from downloads page .

Quartz.NET Tutorial Online

March 24, 2007 by Marko Lahma

Tutorial has been ported from Java side to serve as starting point for Quartz.NET development. There may still be some rough edges to smooth an minor inaccurasies but it should be enough to get you going.

Go to Tutorial section .

Quartz.NET 0.4 Released

March 4, 2007 by Marko Lahma

Quartz.NET 0.4, the initial version of Quartz.NET was released today.

Version 0.4 is the first public release with core features including:

  • SimpleTrigger and CronTrigger
  • RAMJobStore as job store implementation

Grap it from downloads page .





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